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Navigation: Using Win2PDF and Win2Image > Document Settings > Auto-name Files and Configure File Save Naming

Include Time

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When the "Auto-name Files" option is enabled, you can add a time to the file name by checking on the "Include Time" option.


Auto-name Settings - Include Time

Auto-name Settings - Include Time


The time format can be selected to the right of the option, and available formats include:


12 Hour-Minute-Second-AM/PM

12 Hour-Minute-Second-Millisecond-AM/PM (default)

12 Hour-Minute-AM/PM

12 Hour Only-AM/PM

24 Hour-Minute-Second

24 Hour Minute-Second-Millisecond

24 Hour-Minute

24 Hour Only


Minute Only

Second Only


The "Sample File Name" listed at the bottom of the window is updated to show the resulting file name based on the options selected. This option can be combined with any of the other auto-name options.