Win2PDF Desktop Manage PDF File Attachments
The Win2PDF Desktop app supports the attachment feature of the PDF file format. The attachment feature allows other files to be embedded in a PDF. This allows you to include documents, images, audio, video, and more within a single PDF. These attachments can be accessed through PDF viewers such as Adobe Acrobat, and users can open or save these embedded files separately.
Because any type file could be embedded as an attachment, security is a concern. For security reasons, Win2PDF prevents files that could contain malicious code from being embedded or saved from a PDF.
If you drag a PDF to the Win2PDF Desktop icon, or select a PDF from the open window when launching the Win2PDF Desktop application, the following options will be displayed under the "File" menu:
Win2PDF Desktop PDF Attachment Options
If the open PDF contains attachments, the window title will display "(includes attachments)". Win2PDF Desktop allows you to add file attachments, save file attachments, and delete attachments from the open PDF.