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Setting E-mail Options

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When the "Send email" or "Send email - no user interaction" options are enabled, you can set the email address by creating a string value in one of the standard registry locations named "PDFMailRecipients" or "PDFMailDefaultRecipients". The value can be a single email address in the form "", or multiple recipients separated by semicolon ';' or comma ',' characters. You can also set one or more "CC:" or "BCC:" email addresses by setting a string value named "PDFMailCCRecipients", "PDFMailDefaultCCRecipients", "PDFMailBCCRecipients", or "PDFMailDefaultBCCRecipients" in one of the standard registry locations. Some email clients require a "SMTP:" string in front of the address such as "".


Win2PDF can verify the addresses using the default address book if a DWORD value named "PDFMailResolveNames" is set to 1 in one of the standard registry locations. This can improve the reliability of sent email, but may cause the email client to display a warning window.


You can set the e-mail subject field by creating a string value named "PDFMailSubject" or "PDFMailDefaultSubject", and you can fill in the body text of the message by creating a string value named "PDFMailNote" or "PDFMailDefaultNote". To set the HTML body text of the message, use "PDFMailHTML" or "PDFMailDefaultHTML". For the settings that include "Default" in the name ("PDFMailDefaultRecipients", "PDFMailDefaultCCRecipients", "PDFMailDefaultBCCRecipients", "PDFMailDefaultSubject", "PDFMailDefaultNote", and "PDFMailDefaultHTML", the registry values are applied to all documents and are not deleted. All other values are deleted after each document is created unless the "persistent" registry value is set.


Windows MAPI email clients such as Microsoft Outlook (classic), Microsoft Outlook (new), or Outlook Express will not let you send email without user interaction.