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Command Line File Print

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Print File Command Line Format


win2pdfd.exe print "sourcefile" "printername"

win2pdfd.exe print "sourcefile" "printername" startpage endpage

win2pdfd.exe print "sourcefile" "printername" trayname


Prints the file “sourcefile” to the specified printername, optionally including a startpage and endpage, or tray name. The "sourcefile" can be in any of the following formats:





Portable Document Format


Microsoft Word (Win2PDF Pro Only)


Rich Text Format (Win2PDF Pro Only)


OpenDocument Text (Win2PDF Pro Only)


Text (Win2PDF Pro Only)


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (Win2PDF Pro Only)


OpenDocument Spreadsheet (Win2PDF Pro Only)


Comma Separated Values (Win2PDF Pro Only)


HyperText Markup Language


Scalable Vector Graphics


XML Paper Specification


Tagged Image File Format


Joint Photographic Experts Group Image


Portable Network Graphics


Windows Bitmap


Graphics Interchange Format


Email Message Format (Win2PDF Pro Only)


Microsoft Outlook Item File Format (Win2PDF Pro Only)


Mime HTML Archive (Win2PDF Pro Only)


Any file or printer names that contain spaces must be enclosed with quotation marks. The "sourcefile" can be a local file path, or an web address (URL) to an existing PDF.


If the "trayname" is specified, it must match one of the existing tray names for the printer ("Tray 1", "Upper", "Lower", "Manual", etc.). If the tray name contains spaces, it must be enclosed with quotation marks. If the specified tray is not available for the printer, the available tray names are printed on the command line console.


Returns 0 on success, and a Windows system error code on failure.